
The Welcome Mat

Greetings, thanks for visiting my site.
All of the coding and most of the writing including what you're seeing here was done by my roommate Xavier since I'm still learning and don't really understand this stuff yet.
To learn about me specifically click the "about" text in the Navigation corner. This section will focus on what to expect from this site if that type of disclaimer interest you to know before looking around.

What To Expect Here?

Besides being a site to get to know me overall, I will be blogging here. Mostly for my own benefit to simply write, but if you'd like to read about what's up with me feel free to check out the blog tab in the Navigation corner.
Nothing will be straight up NSFW, but I am an adult so I might not always be the most family friendly.


Things that are currently on my mind or into at the moment
"Time is like a leaf in the wind either it's time well spent or time I've wasted don't waste it"
Telescope - Cage the Elephant

West Virginia, USA